Kiran Kumar P N
assistant Professor
Overview And Experience

Kiran Kumar P N, M.Tech.
About me
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
Research Interests
Major Honors and Awards:
1. Attended and Presented a Paper titled “SMS APP” on 18th may 2015 at National Conference on “Trends and Challenges in Information Technology”, Organized by Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology, Bangalore.
2. Attended and Presented a Paper titled “Medical Alert System for Remote Monitoring Using Sensors & Cloud Computing ” on 14th may 2015 at National Conference on “Design Aspects of Digital and Embedded Systems”, Organized by Sha-Shib College of Engineering.
3. Attended and Presented a Paper titled “Real Time Air Quality Measurement using Low Power Wide Area Technology” on 6th May 2017 at National Conference on “Advances in Computing and Information Technology”, Organized by Reva University, Bangalore.
4. Attended and Presented a Paper titled “Electronic Banking System for Rural and Less Connected Areas Using Arm Processor” on 6th May 2017 at National Conference on “Advances in Computing and
Information Technology”, Organized by Reva University, Bangalore.
- 1.Published Research article, “Detection and Localization of versatile spoofing attackers in WSN”, published by IJETST; a National Journal ISSN NO: 2348-9480, Volume 1, Issue 8 October 2014
- Published Research article, “Real Time Air Quality Measurement using Low Power Wide Area Technology”, published by Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation (AJETI), a National Journal ISSN NO:ISSN:2347-7385, Volume 1, May 2017.